Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 7 March 2021


The day began frosty with a little sun that soon changed to grey sky and a flat sea showing just a few swells coming in. By the afternoon things had brightened up giving us blue skies and blue sea.
Knowing for certain that no builders were due today gave us the chance to have a lie-in. Naturally I woke at 5.30 and was up by 7.00. Peter is not an early riser so I had to wait until we'd had our breakfast listening to The Archers before we headed out for a beach walk.
We saw one lone body boarder heading out to sea but there were far more seagulls on the beach than humans. The tide was on its way back in so we walked as far as we could on the sand then a bit further on the shingle before turning for home. At the shop we both had a hankering for some cheese and onion crisps so Peter went in and bought some. We  very rarely eat crisps or similar processed snacks but the doctor did tell Peter to increase his salt intake. 
Not wanting to smoke the neighbours out on a Sunday afternoon I abandoned that project for now and instead spent some time in the back garden weeding the plant beds that I can get to. I also began clearing around the stumps of the trees I cut down in the back garden ready for the stump killer I've ordered. 
I'm defrosting some falafel for supper (so much for not eating processed food) and I had a hankering for vegetable soup to go with them so I'm making a big saucepanful, enough for two meals at least. It smells lovely so far. No recipe, just tinned tomatoes cooked with red onion, red pepper, and celery seasoned with pepper, smoked paprika, garlic and a tiny bit of salt.
I got a letter last week telling me to go on-line to book my vaccination but held off for a week hoping to hear from the local surgery. Then this morning it was announced that the over 50s can book their jabs now. Tried the web site which promptly collapsed. When I did eventually get through the nearest vaccination centre I was being offered was 50 miles away! There's a vaccination centre in Aber which I would go to but not 50 miles. That's just silly. Maybe the surgery will phone soon (they said on FB that they would) but I will keep trying the on-line booking too.


1 comment:

happyone said...

What a great shot of the seagull.