Sunday, 31 May 2009
More Sun, More Flowers.
Saturday, 30 May 2009
The Butterflies Return.
The aliums are attracting bees as well as butterflies.
Friday, 29 May 2009
A Trip To Bristol.
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Constrasting Vegitation.
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Wind and Rain.
I didn't think the weather conditions would give me any good photos down at Velator this afternoon so I drove right out to the cliffs at Saunton to enjoy the wild waves.
I suggest you turn the sound of for this very noisy (it was windy) video of the waves panning round from Croyde bay to Saunton Sands. I did put my finger over one set of the sound pick up hole but couldn't cover the other set. Perhaps I can get some foam tabs to put over the holes to cut out the dreadful wind noise. (No pun intended.)
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
My Boys in Armour.
Bright blue skies again this morning but there were clouds and a chill wind. Anyway apart from a brief foray to hang up the washing and a fast run to fetch it back in when there was a sudden downpour, I've had my nose stuck to the pc screen as I work my way through the e-profiles which are the foundation stage equivalent of end of year reports. 13 sections each of which gets at least one comment, for 31 children. This is going to take all of the half term holiday. I did have plans to repaint our bedroom this week but there is not a chance of that.
(Thanks to Captured Times and yes we have purchased the dvd as well. nb No animals were hurt in the making of this video)
Romas, Sam and Vytas.
Kate B kindly sent me some photos from last weekend's muster and Romas just found this video from a previous muster. That's Vytas in the black doublet leaping into the attack, (with a big grin on his face). It was always good fun to ham it up when you knew the public were close or even better, someone was filming. ( This was an off the cuff scene though everyone had been asked to be extra dramatic.)
A musket block, standard bearers with pike men behind, (Rivers regt ?) and some frilly big wigs.
Monday, 25 May 2009
Braunton Fair.
There was live music playing listened to by a group of stalwart followers under their umbrellas.
This post is going out late because I had to pick up Romas after his weekend away. I was expecting to collect him from Barnstaple at 10.13 but at 8.00 I had a phone call. 'Mum, I fell asleep on the train and now I'm at Bristol and I won't get to Exeter in time to catch the last train to Barnstaple.' Aaargh ! Luckily the train he was about to catch stopped at Tiverton Parkway which is much easier , still an hour's drive, than going into Exeter. I drove Peter's car but it still wasn't fun on the way back in the dark and the heavy rain. Still I did get a blow by blow account of each of the 4 battles. It was a big Major with 2,500 out on the battle field. It must have been an impressive sight for the spectators.There were also 2 medieval era battles though extremely hot weather is not the best when wearing full armour. Romas' description was 'shiny,shiny, clank, clank melt, melt.' Hot weather is very enervating and Romas said they were all shattered. There is always a lot of noise on the battlefield, cannon and muskets firing, drums beating instructions and officers shouting orders and general yelling from the pikemen over which the commentator is trying to explain to the spectators what is going on. Suddenly over the tannoy came the Helm's Deep music and Romas and some others tried to respond by thumping their pikes on the ground but pikes are very heavy and they were too exhausted. I'll see if I can find some footage to post.