Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 18 June 2022


Well that was the shortest heat wave ever. Here in the morning and gone by the afternoon. Today has been grey, cold and wet.
After a busy day yesterday and a late night I've been feeling quite tired today. We had a power cut at around midnight which lasted about 10 minutes here but at least 5 hours down at the far end of the beach. The power company said it was due to a damaged overhead cable.
After breakfast I walked down to the shop to buy some carrots and potatoes so that Peter could get a hearty sausage casserole in the slow cooker for our supper. 
Back home I did some sorting out indoors and moved some things into the garage and others up to the loft. 
Then I had time outside weeding and doing some tying up in the back garden. Much as I love the wild atmosphere of the community gardens with such a small back garden I feel it needs to be much more managed to create somewhere I feel comfortable in. At least it's very easy to weed.
Once the rain settled in for good I came in, did some cycling (maybe a little faster than usual) on the exercise bike and more Duo Lingo. 
It was such fun photographing the Swedish candles last night.

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