Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 23 September 2024

Red or Blue ?

It has been a warm, cloudy day with the occasional light drop of rain. The sea has been calm and I find the gentle blues of the view quite calming too.
The only diy I did today was to repair the missing end of the garage doorframe with the resin filler. I stayed away from the garage aka workshop as Peter has begun planing down an old scaffolding plank to make shelves for the sitting room. Instead I carried on with the general tidy up of the back garden. I had toyed with the idea of leaving the aquilegias and linaria that had sprung up around the young fruit bushes but then I remembered my plan to fetch up seaweed from the beach to act as a top dressing for the poor soil. I shall put a load on the salad bed too as it's supposed to deter slugs and snails. I'll have to wait for the storms to throw up a decent amount of seaweed first. I saved some of the aquilegias by moving them into a raised bed and a few foxgloves went down to the front garden. I also cleared the space where I shall try and make a perspex cold frame to keep any frost off the more tender plants in pots. I had a number of potted seedlings and cuttings that for some reason the birds keep knocking over, maybe to get at the worms that gather underneath. Instead I sat the pots in empty plastic troughs. Then I went out and gathered wallflower seedlings from out in the street. There are a number of wallflower plants growing by the road that put on a good show each spring. I've been told they originally came from this garden so I've rescued and potted up a handful of the many seedlings growing in the gutter to eventually plant in the front garden. ('Some' is such a useful word but maybe seven times in one paragraph is too much so will change change some of the 'some's. Can you spot where?)
To amuse myself I photographed anything red in the front garden and here are a few of the photos.

I prefer blue flowers but the hydrangeas have forced me to incorporate red into the colour scheme too.

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