Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 11 September 2024


It's been a day of sunshine, heavy squalls and the occasional rainbow.
We had to be up and out reasonably early as Peter had an appointment at the hospital for an injection into his knee. Parking at and around the hospital is so dire that it's best to simply drop off the patient and drive down into town. At least this time Peter had the correct phone number to ring me on though the text he sent me giving me a 15 minute heads up didn't get through to my phone until an hour later. Luckily his phone call did get through and he only had to wait a few minutes for me to drive up the hill.
While I waited for him I had a quick look around M&S and Tesco's as I don't often go in either of them. Both are more expensive than Morrison's and Lidl and I dislike Tesco's business ethics. (I expect Morrison's isn't much better but I have to shop somewhere.) M&S no longer keep active/ sports wear in the shop here and my goodness the autumn clothing was so miserable. It seemed to be all bland browns and beiges. Not that I need any more clothes. In Tesco's I thought about buying myself a pastry but all their bakery stuff was in packs and I certainly didn't want to buy more than one. I was momentarily tempted by the factory made cakes but apart from the guilt I feel at eating such sweet items I really don't want to eat highly processed foods filled with unnecessary additives. But then my resolve failed when I got to the Polish section. Tesco's is the only place that sells 'cow' fudge which was a Lithuanian sweet treat my mother would sometimes buy. So yep, I bought myself some and they taste wonderful.

With the frequent showers I still couldn't risk painting the gate and instead decided to do some baking. Peter had almost finished the last Bara Brith and I wanted to try another version of the recipe that used yoghurt. I swapped the cherries (which had been a swap for blueberries) for dates and pecans and instead of the vegetable oil (which Peter said he could taste and didn't really like) I used melted butter. It's a nice enough cake but I think that the yoghurt and lemon juice in the batter probably go better with a fruit as the dates and pecans overwhelm the more delicate flavours. But before I could bake I had to get some eggs from the local shop. I should have checked before we went into town. But at least that encouraged me to go for a short beach walk. I was letting the waves clean off the sandy foam that I'd been kicking into the wind when I discovered that one of my wellies has a small hole that let the water in. I may try mending it with a puncture patch or some superglue.
Baking done I continued with writing up my journal and at last it is all up to date. And I've come to the end of the book. That's seven years of memories in this book and eleven years in the first one. I have three more blank journals which should be enough for my needs.
There's no choir tonight. I had an email from our choir leader saying that she wasn't sure she would be back in time as she would be returning from a holiday on ....... Lundy. My favourite holiday place, not that I have much to compare with. I realised that in the last 35 years apart from a few weekends away in the camper we've only been on holiday three times each of those being on Lundy. When I mentioned this fact to Peter his response was "So?" as if I'm far too demanding in expecting a few more holidays. Mind you for the first 20 years there wasn't the money for five of us to go on holiday and we already lived in the country just a short drive from good surfing beaches. Well I'm working on it. If Peter doesn't want to go on holiday I may well go off without him.

1 comment:

WendyAnn said...

The cakes look great and the pic of the seabirds and the waves is really beautiful.
Wendy (Wales)