It has been warm again today. Not the lovely 19C we had yesterday but still very pleasant despite the clouds and much stronger wind.
This morning I was back to riding Hazel. The person riding Margaret this week also had some trouble with her being too bouncy and fidgety which makes me feel at bit less bad about last week. Hazel was less inclined to throw her head about which was an improvement. She only began tossing her head at the end when we were walking around on a completely loose rein so it's not a response to me interfering with her mouth. I've been seeing videos and comments condemning the use of flash nosebands, even cavesson nosebands. As a youngster the stables I rode and helped at was run by an ex-jockey and there were no nosebands. Later I was taught that they had no purpose though a quick check says they are there to help stabilise the bridle and to make the horse 'look smarter'. Hazel has a flash noseband as well as a martingale and although I have every confidence in the way the stables are run I compromised by having Hazel's flash slightly looser. In the lesson today we worked on the usual things, getting the horses going well on the bit and establishing bend and Hazel definitely improved. We did some canter work at the end for which Hazel needs a bit of encouraging but overall I was pleased with the way she went and got positive feedback for my riding as well.
The roads and town itself were very busy today. I encountered four sets of temporary traffic lights on my travels, I suppose they are trying to get roadworks done before the influx of visitors at Easter or maybe they are using up their budgets before April. Also it was an inset day for local schools which explained all the children and young people I kept seeing.
My first stop was the dump where I got rid of the broken up garden chair and a couple of bags of plant material. Then onwards to Morrisons where I picked up some half price bargains. The fresh salmon is our dinner tonight and the butcher's sausages have gone in the freezer for Peter. Next stop was Charlie's where I bought a large plastic tub to keep the re-cycling bag safe from the seagulls. It has the standard clip on lid but I'll make a few adaptions so that the bin men can open it easily with the lid staying attached to the box and not blowing away over the cliff. Finally I stopped in town which as already mentioned was busy. I did my usual trawl of the charity shops and found some things for our carnival costumes. First there was an enormous faux leather jacket for £6 which I won't feel guilty about cutting up and I also bought a lightweight brown djellaba for £2 which will easily convert to a tunic. All I need to do is shorten it and alter the neck slightly.
Even without going to Lidl, shopping and riding wear me out. Once the shopping was put away and my clothes whirling around in the washing machine (and the waving clematis stems in the back garden secured to the trellis) all I did was relax with a large mug of tea.
I got the washing back in just as the first rain fell. It's hardly rained for the past month so the garden could do with a good watering.