Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Bits and Bobs.

I had the morning at home today and I was looking forward to spending a couple of hours working outside. It was dry and fairly warm and there was lots of blue sky to lift the spirits. But then I remembered I had to phone up and book an appointment to have someone come and repair the Sky box as we have lost some of the channels. We are insured and Peter had already spoken to them but he left it to me to book a time as my working hours are so variable. The first number I rang weren't too sure and I had to wait for them to phone me back. Then they said that they didn't work directly with the insurers so I had to ring the insures. I then had 2 operators to talk to and each time I had to repeat all the details. Then I had to be given instructions on how to re-install all the settings. Not so easy as our phone is by the kitchen and the tv is in another room. Eventually I was given a time for someone to come and repair the system. Luckily I never had to deal with one of those awful computerised systems unlike The Farmer's Wife. If you want to bypass these systems go to http://www.gethuman.com/ which tells you the phone numbers or codes to speak to a real person in the major companies. Or you can press * or # several times and this will take you direct to a person. So in the end I had less than an hour outside shifting heavy concrete blocks, (not the light breeze blocks they use for house building) , but as my mother used to say, "Drop by drop makes a hole in the stone." The job will get done eventually. This is the reception classroom where I will be working full-time after Christmas. It's a bit messy because it's the middle of the day and also we've had to block the opening leading to the end classroom because the playgroup use that room at the moment. Normally both classes share the middle space where there is more role play , sand and water etc.

The sky started to turn golden as I set off for home.

A more dramatic view of the sunset.


HappyK said...

It's always such an ordeal when those kinds of calls have to be made. I hate having to make them.

The classroom looks nice and colorful just waiting for kids to get there.

Beautiful sky!!

Domestic Executive said...

Amazing pictures Ruta - the skies are so evocative.

I'm trying to book flights using my airmiles at the moment. Ringing BMI in the UK and then you get transferred to India - they only know how to work from a script and it's so frustrating when they don't understand you want something that isn't in their programme. Grrrr.