Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

A Reasonable Thursday.

A couple of photos from yesterday's homeward journey. Now that there is something to photograph in the evenings I'll start taking the big Nikon with me rather than the baby Nikon which is more limited but has the advantage of fitting into a pocket. Sunset over Hartland.
The full moon over Balckmoor Gate.
Last night's full-moon was so bright that I was able to read the typed address on an envelope out in the garden at 10.00 and it was almost like daylight when I was wandering around at 2.00 in the morning.
I had a good sleep on the new (all memory foam like Tempur) mattress once I had finally got to sleep as my back wasn't too happy with all the carrying and lifting I did in the evening. The bed is so much bigger than our old standard size double that it does make the room look a little crowded but I'm still very happy with it. Some serious tidying of my clutter is needed. You could fit a whole family in that bed, mum, dad, kids and cats.
I had quite a good day at school today. I keep Thursday afternoons quite relaxed as I am on my own with 30 kids but when the headteacher brought round some new parents who were looking at the school there were; a table of children painting bold designs with poster paints, children at the pcs creating animations, others writing up neat copies of some character profiles, others simply colouring or playing with our farm set on the carpet, a group playing 'schools' with our box of animal puppets and a final group outside playing with pe equipment. Amazingly it was reasonably calm though that is not always the case in my classroom and one of my more articulate children told the visitors all about his animations and how you could get 'cool' sound effects as well.

1 comment:

HappyK said...

Great picture of the moon. Just last night I said to my husband. I bet someone from blogging will post a picture of that moon. It is so bright. Nice to know that we all look at the same moon. :-)