Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 4 July 2011


It has been an fantastically beautiful day. The advantage of being in a hut at school is that we have windows on 2 sides and with doors at either end we were able to let the cooling breeze blow through the room. Uunfortunately it also set many papers flapping and clattering but it was worth it. As it was so warm and the weather is set to change soon, possibly tomorrow I rearranged my timetable so that we spent most of the day outside. A game of T-ball (simplified rounders/baseball), a story in the Secret Garden and time to explore the mini beasts there too.
All evening this magnificent grey horse has been making silly noises as it his first time in this field. I went up to see what was going on and he looked positively gigantic beside the little Exmoor ponies. He came over and said hello to me making me miss my days of regular riding and teaching but even if my back wasn't dodgy it is very expensive to ride these days. I think it is about £40 for an hour's lesson now. I can remember paying 7/6 when I was a youngster!
Back home, after running Speedy back to the vets for his brief post-op check (all satisfactory), I would have loved to spend the whole evening outdoors but there were those reports to work on. For once the Tracker has made things easier and it has been relatively easy to set the new targets which then appear on the reports. One more evening should do it. I still have to do some school work before I can rest, no peace for the wicked.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Glad to hear you had a nice summer day to enjoy. : )