Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 8 September 2012

A New Start.

Linas has left home once more to start a new life in Belfast. Even if he doesn't get on the graduate training scheme he has already been talking to someone from an IT agency who is very interested in his CV. It was a  bright autumnal morning as he started his journey which involved car, train, bus and plane. Although the sun was shining it was only 2C in the shade when we set off for town. Things warmed up later in the day and by the afternoon it got up to 27C before settling to a lovely mild evening.
First thing this morning everywhere was very wet and the small conifer was festooned with dew laden spiders' webs making it look like a Christmas tree.
After seeing Linas off at the station I walked over the old bridge into town to post one more parcel for Linas and do some shopping.
By this time the morning mist was beginning to burn off which was a good thing as I had optimistically come out in just a t-shirt. Lots of people in town were still in summer wear but in the shops Christmas goods are already on display. 
As the weather was good I washed my favourite large fluffy fleece throw. I had been so pleased that I could get it in my new,bigger washing machine but as happens after washing the fleece had lost its fluffiness so I spent over an hour brushing it as it hung on the washing machine. I had a lovely peaceful afternoon sitting in the warmth by the  scree garden. Already the house and garden are dropping into shadow much earlier even though the sun shines tantalisingly on the trees and the hillsides so I shall enjoy it as much as I can.

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