Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 26 April 2013

Sunny But Cold.

There are rumours around that warmer weather might be with us soon but as yet it is still cold. The sun was out today but it was just above freezing first thing this morning and the afternoon temperature in the shade was around 7C. At least it was far too cold for the slugs to make an appearance.
I've been teaching one of the Reception classes all day. Not my usual class so I didn't know the children so well but we still had a good day. More cakes this morning as another member of staff begins her maternity leave.  
I was home nice and early which gave me a chance to wash and hang outside a favourite hoody which has to be washed by hand as it is cashmere & cotton. I was in the bathroom when I heard a terrific crash followed by thumps and clattering. It sounded as though somebody had dropped several bags of shopping. Strange! I thought as I looked in the kitchen. Peter wasn't home and there was nothing out of place. Had a ceiling collapsed or maybe a branch had fallen onto the house but there was nothing to be seen through the windows. Then something streaked past me up the stairs. It was Speedy with his head through the handles of a carrier bag. I finally caught him on his return flight and removed the bag. Later I found a very dented tin of sweetcorn in the upstairs corridor . It's the result of Speedy's deprived beginnings out on the streets that has left him unable to resist looking in shopping bags and ripping open any packages. This time the sweetcorn fought back. After laughing heartily I topped up the bird feeders, made a batch of flap-jacks, did some hoeing and pulled up some brambles. Even if I only get a little bit done it all helps.

1 comment:

Harriet said...

Thanks for the lovely pictures...a feast for my eyes. Speedy is silly and very fortunate that you understand his foibles. Spring is springing here in Michigan. We've had lots of rain, grass is green and plants coming to life. I am monitoring my circle garden closely as it needs a complete dig up, divide and replant. Not sure I'll get this done!!