Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 4 February 2014


Another big storm is blowing in from the Atlantic. I can hear the wind howling outside and the rain is coming down heavily. Even though it's nearly dark I can see the trees swaying in the wind. I've been at work all day so I haven't taken much notice of the weather. As I drag myself awake for a morning's work at school I can console myself with not having to do my morning exercises and the extra money that will be in my pay slip the following month. There always seem to be those little extras to buy, a new car or a new chimney, that sort of thing. But somehow although I don't have money to spare there is always just enough to cover my needs and for that I am grateful. 
In the afternoon the children were treated to a pantomime style performance of Jack and the Beanstalk. As usual it was very loud with lots of light effects. We sit the youngest children on benches at the back so they don't get frightened and although there were a few tears amongst the other children for most of the time they were joining in enthusiastically. I sat some of my more worried Year 2 children near me for moral support but spent more of my time watching the reception children's faces. Firstly to spot any that might not be coping but mostly I was simply enjoying watching their faces. I watched 2 little 4 year old boys sitting side by side not only holding hands but holding their outside hands together as well. But they were fine looking after each other and one of them had just sung all the words of a song which I guess was either from a kids film or a pop song. Performance laws allow the use of short excerpts from  other people's music and the children loved singing along. As I never listen to pop music or watch kids films it was all new to me. I nearly lost my composure at one point because they played the start of Samuel Barber's Adagio to change the mood which was a piece played at Linas' funeral. I thought if they played it again I would have to beat a hasty retreat to compose myself. I wasn't quite in the mood to play along with the villain's declarations of love though the children thought that was hilarious. 
Grey skies, and a raindrop on the way home.
PS I've got sound once more.

1 comment:

Harriet said...

Your description of the two little boys making each other safe by holding hands warmed my heart. Thank you.