Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday, 27 April 2014


We're stuck with the same weather, showers and some sun and a lot of wind. I've been popping out to do more weeding but it gets quite irritating  when the dry spells only last for 15 mins or so. I did get some tidying up and ironing done indoors and sorted out some earrings for remodeling as well. A pair of swallows kept investigating the porch as a nest site and got very annoyed when I shut the door to keep them out. Even flying into the porch would put their lives in danger so I shall have to be vigilant until they find somewhere else to build their nest.
I was quite pleased to  weed through the golden marjoram and dig out some pesky grass roots. I had to dig up lots of the marjoram too but it's a hardy plant and should settle back quickly especially with all this rain. At one point I turned over a clump of marjoram and found these 2 tiny newts each about 10cms long. I moved them to a patch that had already been cleared and they soon disappeared from sight.
The evening light made the leaves on the beech tree shine against the grey sky, A lovely view from my window.

1 comment:

HappyK said...

Love that last picture. Beautiful!!