Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 20 August 2014


I came downstairs this morning to find yet another container occupier by a cat. Speedy was quite cosy in his new home.
I was saddened when I looked out of the window and saw this sparrowhawk. It was still warm when I picked it up but its neck was broken. Either it had not seen the glass or more likely it was attacking its reflection.  
A cold wind has been blowing for most of the day but there were a lot of sunny spells. After doing some gardening, deadheading the santolina, edging a lawn and a little weeding, I found myself a sheltered spot where I could read in the sun. 
The butterflies were making the most of the sunny spells on the pink buddlia bush.  
After a restful time outside I did come in and do some work on my journal. I read through 6 months worth of blog posts and relived a time when this house was filled with teenagers either happily shooting at each other or making and playing music while I kept them fed with lots of home cooking.  Happy memories. 
Then I had a long session at the piano. Being she who never throws anything away I still have my 40 year old exam music books. It was fun going through them to see which pieces I could remember, not many, but when I tried sight reading them I could still remember what they were supposed to sound like when my fingers didn't hit the right notes. Isn't memory a wonderful thing.


Harriet said...

The photo of Speedy gave me a big smile. Your photos are always such a treat for me. And, yes, memories are wonderful.

happyone said...

Sorry about the sparrow hawk. What pretty feathers!!