Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday, 12 February 2016

All Grey.

The weather has been quite miserable today, grey skies and a general dampness in the air. My first job was another coat of stain-stop on the study ceiling. After that I went into town with some things for the dump. Not a whole car full but every bit helps. I called in at the charity bookshop to see if they wanted Peter's Open University course books but they didn't. Now I'm trying to see if there is any charity that would like these as it seems such a waste to throw them away. Then it was the usual round of library and shops.
Walking across the Old Bridge I could see 3 people in an inflatable in the river. At least 2 were in the dingy and the third was in the water pushing the others off a sandbank. It was nearly low tide when there isn't a lot of navigable water in the river. I wonder what they were up to?
Saw 2 deer in the field this afternoon. 

I bought this necklace in one of the charity shops and plan to make it into a pair of fun earrings. So far I've taken the necklace to pieces and had an initial look through my collection of beads. I've left everything out so I can make the earrings tomorrow.

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