Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Windy, Sunny and Cloudy.

Another day of mixed sunshine and clouds. I went into the garden in the afternoon to take some photos, got diverted by grass growing through a plant and while I removed the offending grass enjoyed the warmth of the sun on my back.
Earlier on I had taken the single bed mattress down to the dump at Ilfracombe, amazing how roomy my car is with the back seats down, and dropped in at the Ilfracombe Tesco's. I had hoped to avoid going to Tesco's in town tomorrow but had forgotten they don't have the value cottage cheese which is half the price and tastes as good as the ordinary cottage cheese. However I did pick up 3 packs of turkey mince in the reduced section for Squeaky. Let's hope she doesn't go off turkey too soon.
The pine bed frame is now in the back of my car ready for tomorrow. While I was rearranging things in the now bedless bedroom I sorted out more stuff to take to the charity shop, mainly animal glove puppets which we very handy when I was doing supply teaching. I've kept my favourites (for grand children?) including the dog puppet which a very young Romas used as his sidekick in his joke telling performances at scout camp. I looked through some books saved from my childhood, precious to me in those days when I had very few possessions. Compared to over half a century ago children nowadays seem to have so many things. I wonder how many of those they will still have when they reach their 60's? I'm still hanging onto my treasures but most of another box of Peter's books will be heading to the charity shop.

1 comment:

HappyK said...

You are so right about kids having so many toys. I had wanted to save some special toys from when I was young but my mother gave everything way when I left home.