Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 9 September 2017


It has been a day of weather extremes, that is in local rather than global terms. The day has swung between heavy showers and blazing sunshine brought in quick succession by the strong winds.
Once I'm ready to start my day I have a daily routine of household jobs before I go on to any other tasks. Otherwise housework would easily be overlooked as I get distracted by far more interesting things to do often outside. As I found that waiting until the end of the day to play the guitar often meant that I ran out of time I now add piano and guitar time to my morning routine. That however has its own drawbacks. Playing an instrument does involve manual dexterity which comes with repetition but focus is at least as important. The more I can concentrate on the music in front of me the better progress I make. The challenge in the mornings is to stop my mind from racing ahead working out what to do with the rest of the day. I suppose it's all about getting into the right state of mind. 

Today I've been doing the vague job I call 'sorting'. This involved quite a lot of moving things from one room to another while at the same time working out what can go altogether and what category the things I'm going to keep are in. I decided that having three spare double duvets was excessive so the heaviest and oldest is in the pile for the dump along with a number of pillows. I also managed to get all my mother's art in one room and to empty the third cupboard destined to go to the Hospice shop. Not an amazing amount of progress but if I keep on working away it will eventually get done. 

1 comment:

happyone said...

Wonderful sky picture!!
It is so easy for me to get distracted from doing housework. : )