Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017


I had another very early wake up this morning. I think it was more to do with sleeping in yesterday morning than anything else. I waited until 6.00 to do my exercises then went downstairs for coffee at the pc until I heard Peter walking about. 
By the time it was light the clouds had dropped down to ground level. Even when they rose steady rain fell making me postpone my plans for another dump run. The rain eventually dried up and now we have wind, lots of wind. Instead of going to the dump I emptied the cupboard above my wardrobe. The downside to having lots of storage space is that you end up storing everything. Today's cupboard wasn't too bad as I've been gradually taking out things to be rehomed or thrown away. I had several straw hats, (I can't take the sun on my head), but they have gone in the empty drawers of the only chest of drawers we will be taking with us. After giving the cupboard a wash down I freshened up the inside with a lick of paint. My next job was to wipe down the lids of the plastic storage boxes under the bed and then because I was in super cleaning mode I lay on my stomach and hoovered under the bed as far as the hoover could reach. By the time I had given our bathroom a thorough clean I felt that I had done a good day's work.
Winter Flowering Jasmine.

1 comment:

HappyK said...

We have started going through things too for when we move.
You're right, the more storage you have the more you store!