Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday, 18 June 2018

Wet and Windy.

It's been wild, wet and windy today so we thought we'd take a chance and have a stroll on Barricane Beach. It was drizzling when we got there but the wind blew the rain away by the time we got down to the beach. 
We'd taken a flask of coffee and some chocolate chunk cookies  which we had sitting on one of the clifftop benches but it was good to see that the beach café has returned for the season. We'll probably head down there for a Sri Lankan curry before the school holidays begin. Building work has started on the white house which was sold for £1.2 million in its derelict state. No doubt it's going to be turned into a number of very expensive flats. Way out of our range.
No rock pooling as the tide was in but it was lovely simply to watch the waves and breathe in the sea air. I tried skimming a couple of stones but due to lack of practise they mostly went plonk in the water.
When we got home I painted the wall behind the ivy, the last of my garden jobs. After I took the photo I went back with an artist's paintbrush and tidied up the bottom edge. Lumpy concrete blocks are not the easiest things to paint.
Inside I cleared the last of the stuff from the dinning table, some went to the garage and the rest to the porch cupboard.


Harriet said...

I am glad to read you had a nice walk and visit to your beach. Ruts, you have transformed the inside and outside of your new home. I hope you find life very pleasant.

HappyK said...

Nice place to spend the day.
I LOVE the first picture!!