Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 21 August 2024


A very grey day today with frequent light showers.
I'm feeling very tired right now. I'm not sure if that's because the beta blocker has slowed down my heart rate (I think it's too low) or because having to stop taking one of my pain killers is affecting my sleep not to mention waking up in pain every morning instead of just once in a while and being in more pain during the day. Right now that you're feeling sorry for me that's enough about my health for now.
I had to set the alarm this morning to make sure I got up in good time to get everything done before walking down to the surgery for a blood test. This was for thyroid function and I'm still dubious about the results seeing as I've been on a medication that affects thyroid function for the last two weeks. I'll be querying the doctor about that when I see him in a couple of weeks. I did wave my appointment card at the receptionist to ask when the appointment is seeing as it says Friday 6th Sept. It turns out that it will be on Thursday 6th not Friday 7th. On the way to the surgery I did my bit to save the planet and dropped off the old rusty post box at the scrap man's place.
I couldn't got to the zoo as Peter had the car so I pottered around at home. I'd promised some plants to people at choir tonight so I got those ready. Ros had asked for some cuttings of the prostrate rosemary as she has a bare rockery area she wants to fill. She was happy to have anything else suitable so now she will have enough sedums, stonecrop, rockery hardy geraniums, rockery campanula and chives to fill a small garden. I'm also taking some curly mint (mentha spicta crispa) for a chap who collects mints as it's one he doesn't have.

I was beginning to feel a bit stir crazy, there's only so much sitting and resting I can do, so I took myself off for a gentle stroll along the beach. I haven't had to wear a coat for a while but I got home just as the next lot of rain began.
Peter has been trying to persuade me to stay home tonight instead of going to choir but tempting as that is I have the plants to hand over. Also we will be singing at a concert in aid of the people in Gaza in two weeks time and need to practise the arrangements of the songs.

1 comment:

WendyAnn said...

So sorry that you are waking up in pain at the moment - hope it gets sorted soon. The pic of the parent and baby seagull is worthy of a prize!
Wendy (Wales)