Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 1 August 2022


I woke at 5.00 to see a deep red sunrise over the hills. It only lasted for five minutes before fading but was a confirmation of the forecast which was for rain. However when I emerged from a second sleep it was beautifully warm and stayed that way for most of the day. It wasn't until I was going out to hang up a fourth lot of washing that I felt tiny flecks of wet from the incoming sea mist and rain finally set in by 6.30. 
We saw a couple of dolphins lazily swimming in the bay as we were preparing breakfast which made for a good atrat to the day.
As well as getting lots of washing done I bleached out the big cat carrier for a second time as there were still some marks on it. Then it was time for more garden work. With the heatwave well and truly over it was time to roll up the hose again. At the moment the reel is in an awkward spot for winding the hose back on so it was easier to leave the hose out. The front garden could do with the path around the lawn/wildflower meadow being mown but the grass is too long and wet to mow and I worry that using the strimmer might injure small creatures. Instead I hand cut the corners the mower doesn't reach and hacked off the worst of the long growth so that hopefully I can mow once it all dries after this current rain. Then I turned to the silly job of weeding the earth heaps. There are two, one of subsoil and one of compost and topsoil and they were in danger of turning into weedy hummocks. As it may be a while before I need to use the soil I'm considering putting the soil into the dumpy bags to save ongoing weeding. 
I finished off the afternoon by baking some chocolate and peanut butter cookies for Peter.
Some more photos of Chalkfest (taken by Dean Tweedy, the organiser) when the pictures had been completed.

Dean chose to highlight global warming and included a reference to Ukraine.

I think this one is my favourite.


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