Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Escaping Ducks.

It was dry and not so humid today until I made my way home after work when the rain came down once more. I had a visit to the physio this morning, he's pleased with the improvement in my shoulder but still can't explain why I get so much pain when I lie down on my back. All he keeps saying is that I should try sleeping in a different position and when I explain my hips are too painful to lie on he hasn't got much advice. Obviously the system starts you off with the most junior physiotherapists and only if they can't help do you get referred to the next level of expertise. It's knowing how much fuss to make without being labelled as a trouble maker and pushed to the back of the queue. All I want is to be able to lie down and get to sleep without having to resort to medication. I stopped on the way home to try and capture the misty hills but the hedgerows have grown so high the best views were blocked.
My trip home ground to a halt when I turned off the main road. 5 farmyard ducks were trundling along the road and weren't in a hurry to get out of the way. It wasn't obvious where they had come from but the car that was behind me turned into the first farm up the hill so I assumed they would tell the people there about these escapees.


Unknown said...

Ruta, have you thought about maybe your mattress being the problem? A while back I was getting the worst, and I do meant THE WORST pains in my hips when I slept on either side. It turned out that my mattress was too flat and I wasn't getting enough cushioning. Maybe your mattress is too hard and it doesn't support the curves of your back. It might also be the reason for your hip pains. Just food for thought. When I got a new, very cushiony and soft mattress my hip pains dissappeared in a matter of a week or two.

HappyK said...

Great weather for the ducks to be out and about. :-)

Ruta M. said...

Thank you for your advice regarding my mattress but unfortunately I don't think that is the solution as when my hips first got bad we bought a mattress with memory foam that molds to your body shape.It is much more comfortable than a standard mattress but not quite enough. Perhaps a water bed ? :)