Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Another Day Done.

This is all I get to see on my journey home, hedges lit up by the car lights. It was quite a misty journey home or was it very low clouds? I just feel so tired after another 10 hours at school. Every lesson requires so much preparation with several levels of task to plan for and resources to be found and made each day. Thank goodness for the internet. When I first started teaching the only technology was the banda machine in the office which was used for letters home and left purple stains. Everything else was done by hand, I got to be a dab hand at quickly drawing sets of trees, flowers etc for my children to colour and count. We didn't even have bluetac, pictures were put up on the walls with rolled over masking tape. Now we can produce beautiful worksheets (sorry, not allowed to call them that, ) I mean writing frames or individual recording sheets, with pretty photos, coloured fonts or anything else you want. Our school laminator gets constant use but I draw the line at laminating pictures or labels that are only going to be up for a couple of weeks and then disposed of. Yes they do look better but it seems so wasteful. I sometimes feel that I'm decimating the rain forest single-handedly with the amount of paper I get through. Oh well, must get on with producing my daily plans for tomorrow.

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