Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012


We've had almost every kind of weather today starting with torrential rain in the morning followed by brief showers and some sun. In between the rain I made a start on cutting off the dead flower stems from the santolina hedge. My day had started early so that Peter could drive me into town to collect my car. He had driven my car yesterday while his was being fixed and left the Micra on the street when he went to collect his car. It was so wet and miserable when I got home that I simply snuggled up on the sofa under a throw and watched TV. I realize now that a lot of the 'off' days I've been having this year, at least, have been due to my inflamed gall bladder which can give you mild flu like symptoms. Still nothing from the hospital. 
One thing to cheer me up today. Yesterday the postman brought me a photographic print on canvas which I had bought myself as a birthday treat. But when I opened it I was disappointed to see it was not the picture I ordered. I emailed the seller and today I had a reply apologizing and saying that they will send a replacement asap and that I can keep the picture I already have. So that's Minas Tirith and The Argonath. A double treat.
Linas and Shaslee went out for a walk and then phoned me to say they would be going all the way into town. I'm not sure how they are getting back as Peter came home before picking up a text asking him to collect them on the way home. And now he's gone out rowing so I'm hoping they come back with him and don't expect me to drive back into town to collect them.

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