Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012


The weather men keep saying that things are getting better but all we've had today is rain, sometimes steady, sometimes torrential. All I hope is that it clears up before the weekend as it we've had cloudy skies for the last 2 years during the Perseid meteor shower. I am fascinated by such natural phenomena, if money was no object I'd be straight off to see the Northern Lights.
For the last 2 days this cheeky squirrel has been raiding one of the bird feeders hanging over the stream. It must have perfected the art of leaping from the bank without falling in the water below. It jumps off when I bang on the windows but then returns so today Linas fired off a loud smoke grenade (airsoft) which hopefully gave it a proper scare.
I've got on with more paperwork today and taken things easy. Linas and I completed all the sections of the puzzle and now Linas is assembling the Taj Mahal. Unfortunately there is one small piece missing but Linas has been able to make a new one with some foam board and will photocopy the pattern from one of the other towers.

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