Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 22 June 2013


It's been extremely windy today with the occasional shower thrown in for good measure. Peter had to go to work today. He doesn't like working overtime but the pressure was on them to work Saturday and Sunday but he told them at 63 he had no intention of working 12 days in a row. He did agree to go in today and had to be there at 7.00 instead of 8.00 so that they could produce the number of components required. I was up in reasonable time and then went over to one of our neighbours to plan how we are going to make our own set of photographs to counter the misleading ones produced by the turbine developer. (I've already proven that the line diagrams are out of scale with the blades being shown at 2/3 of the actual size. I knew my maths would come in helpful one day.) We're going to fly a kite to near the same height to get an idea of the true size and take photos from different locations. At our action group meeting on Thursday a journalist came down from the Western Morning News and we appeared in their on-line edition yesterday.  You can read the article here  http://www.westernmorningnews.co.uk/EXCLUSIVE-Villagers-spurn-wind-farm-bribe-issue/story-19352458-detail/story.html  (I'm right at the back in a pink jacket.)
I've had another busy week but thankfully I'm not as tired as I was last Saturday. I've spent the afternoon cutting tree branches from the trees behind the outbuildings. (The ones in the centre and a bit to the left). When we first moved here besides providing shelter from the prevailing winds they also screened the road at the top end of the field next door. Since then the trees have grown and a deciduous wood  has been planted in the field. When we had that unusual spell of hot weather I realised how much shade those trees were casting in the afternoon and evening and I decided that we should  clear most of those trees. Then we will have a nice view across a wild meadow with the woods beyond. Peter wants to wait until next winter 'The sap's rising now', but I'm making a start with my trusty bow saw. Today I cleared all the branches that were lying on top of the outbuildings.

1 comment:

Harriet said...

I read the article. Good for all of you, keep together as their is strength in numbers. Your idea of using a kite is excellent. Best wishes to all of you!!!!