Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 5 July 2013


It finally looks as if the promised hot spell has arrived, I was teaching all day and by mid-morning I had swapped my Ugg boots for a pair of sparkly flip-flops.  

The pressure was on at work as some high up bod was spending the day in school and would be visiting the classrooms at some point. As requested by the class teacher I had the children working on a series of practical measuring activities but most of my attention was focused on one child who has recently been put on medication to help concentration. Unfortunately this child was almost climbing the walls today which naturally sets some of the other children off. Just as I saw the Head Teacher, the class teacher and the VIP approaching the classroom 'somehow' the long light cover from the children's cloakroom was on the floor. Nothing to do with the tennis racquet and ball that were also there! Luckily we had the fire exit door open for fresh air and I hid the cover out there as our visitors walked in the door. Apparently the impression was of all the children working calmly, phew!
The afternoon was much more tranquil with all the children writing sentences on their whiteboards (that may have had something to do with my saying that I would decide about Golden Time after they had shown me some good sentences). They did earn their Golden Time and a group of them opted to do watercolour painting and for once I allowed the children free access to the Internet (we have serious filtering in place) so they were engrossed in some race type games on CBeebies.
After work I made my usual Friday trip into town to get some library books, stock up in the health food shop and in the hope that the hot weather might be staying for a while I bought a pair of crop leg bottoms from the pyjama section which I am making into a pair of shorts. I've already cut some of the legs off and will get the machine out tomorrow to stitch them up. That way I get a pair of comfy shorts that are just the right length.

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