Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 28 July 2013

Sun and Showers.

It's been a day of sunshine and showers accompanied by a warm wind blowing up from the south. The earlier showers lasted only a few minutes and were so light that they hardly made a mark on the ground. Throughout the day they have been getting longer and heavier, so much so that I had to make a run for it when I was caught out in the garden taking photos.
Spot the butterfly. 
A lone red admiral was flying erratically around the garden taking frequent rests and nearly being nabbed by Squeaky as it tried to fly past her into the porch. It may have even been blown here on the wind from central Europe.
This ringlet stopped briefly on the valerian giving me a chance to get a good view of its characteristic spots. 
This year the goose family raised all of their 4 goslings safely. The parents must have learnt from last year to stay away from Neville.
With the unsettled weather we decided not to go for a walk. Although I could have had time in the garden instead I backed up all my photos and then did some cleaning of the sitting room windows and wiping down of surfaces. A quiet day for us. I didn't have my usual Skype chat with Vytas as his firm has taken all its staff for a weekend at Treetops Lodge. Can you imagine any UK company doing this for their long term employees let alone staff who have been there less than a year?  

1 comment:

happyone said...

Sounds like your son has picked a great place to work!!!