Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014


I woke up this morning to pouring rain so I went back to sleep and didn't get up until 8.00.  
The rain had eased off and I was able to get on with stage 3, repairing the broken bricks that run along the edge of the path. I had some red sand left from some previous work and I used this to make up a brownish concrete. Last night I had been wondering if there was enough of the red sand but when I counted out my scoops and added the cement my bucket was almost full. (I was doing the job my style; in a bucket and using a garden trowel with an old kitchen knife.) I hadn't noticed before how much the dry mix contracts when you add water but I still had a good quantity of cement. There was enough to do the job and I used the remaining cement to fill a hole in a brick wall. 
When I got home from work I loosened the wood and odd bits of old pointing that I had used to shape the cement and tidied up the 'bricks' with the knife in an attempt to make them look a bit better but I had to leave these paw prints 
I was teaching all afternoon and we had a staff meeting which was mostly about how we are implementing the new curriculum. It was lovely and bright as I drove home. On the way in to work I had great views across to the sea and a container vessel right on the horizon. That got me thinking about how strange it is that although my brain knew that I was above sea level my sight could not process that and however hard I tried it looked as if the sea sloped upwards from the land.
Photos taken at 6.00.

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