Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 22 October 2014


Yesterday's winds have died down and today has been mostly grey. There were some blue-ish patches of sky in the morning and right now (6.00) the light is very yellow and the sky an odd brownish grey. It felt colder this morning so for the first time this autumn I put away my shorts and found some joggers to wear around the house. I'm trying to keep off my feet at the moment to give my toes a chance to heal, the blister looks like a big cranberry on the side of my toe and my little toe is still painful from taking a chunk out of it by walking into a spare car battery, so I spent the morning writing up my journal. I had thought I would get that up to date over the summer but somehow it didn't happen.
I had a good afternoon in the 2 Year 1 classes. It takes some preparation beforehand but most of the children know what I'm expecting them to do in our phonics sessions and I can focus on the more disruptive children in the room. There is a new boy in one of the classes who shares the name Tyler with another boy in the class. Their surnames begin with the same initial so we'll have to call them by their full names. And yes there is a Tyler in the other class too. At least they all look different while some of the girls with similar names resemble each other which confused me even more. I'm just about there knowing the names of the 150 different children I teach on a fairly regular basis.
There was no staff meeting today as there was a parents' evening instead. That's nearly 3 hours of back to back parent conversations for the class teachers. I made tea and coffee for the teachers before I left to do some shopping. I went over to Lidl's to stock up on chocolates and marzipan for Christmas and a birthday. Hopefully I won't break into the Christmas stash early.
On the way home I stopped near Ashelford Corner where the trailer was yesterday. The horse was still in its field though it was friendly enough and came up to the gate so I could stroke its muzzle.

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