Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday, 12 January 2015


That's it - the final Christmas goodie has been nibbled and it's time to go back on the diet. Even the delicious Indian sweets which I put in the freezer thinking I would have a few each week were irresistible and are no more. At least I know I can lose the weight when I put my mind to it.
It has rained all day long. Midnight last night, as usual I was listening to the shipping forecast and when it got to Lundy (we are only a few miles inland so that's us) the wind was force 6 to 7 with occasional severe gale force 9. The shipping forecast starts at the top of the UK and works its way clockwise around the coast and when it got back up to the top of Scotland it was .... and occasional hurricane force 12! There were some fierce gusts last night but no damage thank goodness. 
This morning I was in the kitchen when I heard a rustling from under the sink where the bin is. We  already have a latch on that cupboard door to keep the cats out  but when I opened the door there was a house mouse exploring the bin. After the sightings and noise of a wood mouse upstairs I bought a humane live trap but once we had taken away the bag of porridge oats the wood mouse had been eating there were no further signs and the cheese, chocolate and flapjack in the trap remained untouched. I've put the trap, a metal box with one-way entrances, under the sink and hopefully I can remove our latest visitor. Coming home this evening I had to slow down for a hare that was panicking and running in front of me along the lane. 
My keeping healthy subject this week with the Reception children is ...... Teeth. We have these great giant rubber teeth which the children enjoyed brushing (with a dry toothbrush). I also made up a feely bag with different brushes; hair, scrubbing, nail, bottle and washing up to generate more talk.
After school I braved the rain and walked into town where I went the library and then tried on dresses in Monsoon and M&S so I'll know which size to get when I'm shopping on line.

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