Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday, 22 June 2015

Rainy Morning, Sunny Afternoon.

Looking at the blue skies this afternoon it's hard to imagine that I drove to work through heavy rain. I've been teaching the reception children all day. A number of the staff were out for one reason and another so we did have to make a few adjustments to the day. However I wasn't expecting to be asked if I would pleeeese take the singing assembly. I don't mind singing with the children though my voice is a little deep for their songs so I was happy when a TA who sings in a choir, volunteered to be the extra adult with me. It felt rather strange to have 180 little voices chanting good-morning to me. 
At lunch time I had barely time to drink my coffee after marking and sticking in work into books and writing up the reading records of the group of children I had been reading with before it was time for a School Council meeting. The PTFA had asked that they run the hook-a-duck and splat-the-rat games at the Summer Fayre in a couple of weeks' time and I needed to give them letters to take home. PE once more in the afternoon, this time practicing egg & spoon or rather bean-bag and spoon, and sack races for sports' day.
After school I went into town to get petrol, change my library books and do a little shopping including some wool for a knitting project which I shall reveal later. When I mentioned in the wool shop what I was going to knit the sales lady said everybody is knitting those. 
At home I had the bin bags to drive up for tomorrow's collection.  
In the garden the afternoon sun created some good lighting effects. 
I know I've shown these recently but I love the way the sun is shining through the leaves of the sedum flower stalk.


HappyK said...

Yes, I like the look of that too. Mine never get those big stalks popping up!!

Harriet said...

I, too, like the sun shining through your flowers. The white iris is lovely. Don't see many white mostly purple and yellow. Knitting is a big deal here in the states as well as crochet. I have at long last found a pattern for a tea cozy. It is exactly like one I made many years ago. This time it will be red. My grandson's girlfriend came to me in need of crochet help. Wow, I was surprised I didn't remember some of the stitches she was interested in learning. However, I found my very old crochet book and was able to help.