Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 9 June 2015


Bright and sunny again today with strong  winds that made it a perfect drying day for the load of washing that I got on early. Despite the sunshine it was really quite cold so I didn't mind getting on with work in the conservatory. I had enough wood filler to get the less badly damaged beam filled ready to be eventually painted. It's going to take a lot of filler to even up the second beam.
At school the fine weather meant that I was able to take my classes out onto the field for their PE lessons. There was a Year 2 class out there at the same time so I taught my children inside a marked off area and the older children raced around us. My children were learning underarm throwing and their final activity was to throw their bean bags as far as possible which they thought was great fun. After school we had a meeting in the hall with the Year 1 parents who had been expressing some concerns about all the changes that are currently going on. Hopefully we were able to clarify a few points and there'll be another meeting next week to go through the new curriculum that the government has told us to implement. The meeting went on until 6.00 so I wasn't home until 6.20. In our old city days being home by 6.20 would have seemed a luxury.
Coming down the drive I looked in the field and thought that the goslings were growing up fast. Then I realised that there were 4 adult geese in the field, some of last year's goslings maybe? Suddenly one of the parent birds aggressively chased off the extra adults and I then saw that the second pair of adults had one gosling of their own which looks to be about the same age as the brood of 7.
The nest of small chicks in the roof space above my piano must be growing well too as their daytime cheeping is getting much louder and can be heard from quite a distance. I haven't had a chance to hear what their reaction to my playing the piano is. Perhaps I'll have a go tomorrow. 

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