Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday, 3 July 2015

Back to the Dentist.

My tooth (or at least my jaw) was giving me a lot of trouble last night  so I quite happy to be off for an early appointment with the dentist. She took out the stitches which was a relief then rinsed the hole with Corsodyl and packed it with a soothing clove dressing. And it's hardly ached at all today. I have Corsodyl and oil of cloves at home so things are looking up.
Then I had coffee and cheesecake with my friend at Lindsay's. As usual we had a lovely time chatting. I just had time to pop into a couple of charity shops before I needed to be back at the car. I got lucky and found myself a floral blue Per Una skirt at the Oxfam shop. I bought it to wear to work on the assumption that we might have a bit more hot weather. Today was a little fresher in the breeze but still nice and warm. There are weather warnings out for thunderstorms and heavy rain tonight so when I got home I mowed all the grass. I resisted the temptation to paint the back door in case the gloss paint, which takes a long time to dry, gets spoiled by the rain. Instead I painted the top half of the kitchen door after taping up the rest of the glass panes. 
On my way home I stopped at another friend's house. She had phoned me saying that her sister wanted to clear some shrubs and would I like to take them. They were 2 large variegated evergreen shrubs, a laurel  and a euonymus  I think. I've planted them on the far side of the stream where they will provide some winter foliage if they survive.

1 comment:

HappyK said...

Glad to hear the trip to the dentist helped. Always nice to spend time with friends and great to get some new bushes. : )