Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 22 September 2015


There is an autumn chill in the air these days. The swallows left last week and the green of the trees is now tinged with brown and yellow.  It rained heavily last night and when I went up to clear the run-offs by the dams one had brown tinged foam in it indicating that the water had poured down the road with great force. I carried on with my school improvement plans and was produced a draft RE SIP. This I took to school and showed to one of the teachers on the senior management team for her input. I'm on the right lines and she gave me a couple of pointers as to where I could add more detail. It will be a relief once that is done and passed by the Headteacher. 
I went in to work early today so that I could spend the last hour of the morning session in the Reception classroom getting to know the children. This week they are staying for lunch and lunchtime play. Then I had the class for afternoon registration after which we sent them home. There weren't any jobs to do down in Reception so I spent the rest of the afternoon researching and printing off art ideas for the Year 1 and 2 classes for the RE /Arts week.
There was some sun in the afternoon and as it was fairly nice when I got home I did go out and do some gardening. Peter bought the bits he needed for the chainsaw but as he is now laid up or at least resting his knee I thought I had better get on with sawing up the last big branch with the bow saw. That's only so that I can reduce it to pieces I can haul off the flower bed.  Today I cut off 3 big branches and half-way through a fourth. Once that is done I might just be able to move the last branch so that I can plant up the newly cleared area.

1 comment:

HappyK said...

Love the first picture!!