Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Mainly Dry.

This morning it was grey, damp and cold. As it wasn't actually raining I got to work in the garden and soon I was more than warm enough.  
I am quite pleased in that I achieved all I set out to do today; finished digging the strip down by the side, cut down a hawthorn branch/trunk that was leaning into the garden and  started planting up. While I was assiduously sawing away at the tree I could hear my neighbour doing much the same with his chain saw. I did harbour a fantasy of him coming along and offering to cut down the big willow tree branch for me. No such luck, tomorrow I will start by seeing if I can get the roof ladder in position. 
As ever a robin supervised my gardening watching to see if I turned up any tasty worms. Today the plants that I moved were ones that had outgrown their space at the end of the hedge. There was a big clump of something that has white flowers, about half of a yellow flower with big soft leaves and kerria which has bright yellow pom-poms in spring. I also found a clump of day lilies which I moved. They were really hard to dig out with their deep tubers.
We had some sun in the afternoon. I had finished my gardening and after changing out of my grubby gardening clothes I stepped outside to take some photos only to find it was raining. Good for all those transplanted plants. After a much needed shower I baked some chocolate muffins carefully following a recipe. With only 2 tablespoons of sugar I don't think they are quite sweet enough so next time I'll double the sugar. The muffins are for Peter's work tomorrow. As I'm practicing for the wedding I made chocolate ganache for the first time. The ganache was okay though I need to work on my presentation but when I whipped half of it to make frosting, as suggested by the recipe it was too soft to hold a shape. Perhaps I should have left it to cool a bit longer.

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