Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday, 17 September 2016


It's been sunny and a little cool but generally a very pleasant day. After getting up early all week it felt like a major lie-in not to wake up till 8.00. I'm trying to take things a bit easier this weekend so I refrained from doing too much gardening. My first job was to put a handle on the rayburn's warmer oven door. We've always managed with a single bolt-like fitting sticking out but I thought it would look better with a full complement of handles. I bought a replacement handle in the summer but it arrived without 2 tiny but vital nuts. They weren't the standard size ones I have plenty of so I had to contact the supplier. Instead of sending me the missing nuts I had to send the whole thing back and they sent me a handle with the full compliment of fittings.
My next job was to collect up the windfall apples which was quickly done and then wash and cut them up for stewing which was a much longer job. I filled up my biggest saucepan and will still have to cook up another lot tomorrow. Right now the stewed apples are cooling off before I fill up plastic containers to go in the freezer. Stewed apple makes a very nice addition to my my daily bowl of porridge. Out in the garden I got out the long handled shears and tidied up some of the lawn edges. Peter has been mowing and strimming but he hasn't quite got the hang of the edges. 
I went into the conservatory to feed the cats and found this tiny toad. He didn't want to be rescued and tried to hop away into the sitting room but has now been relocated to the front garden where hopefully he will feast on slugs.

1 comment:

HappyK said...

What a tiny little toad!
I just can't stay in bed past 6:30. No matter what time I go to bed I'm wide awake at 6:15.