Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday, 27 January 2017


The day started off  warm and sunny, almost spring-like but by lunchtime everything had gone grey and felt as if it might rain at any moment. So far it hasn't rained but it does feel a lot colder, I hope we're not in for another cold snap.
During the morning I couldn't resist doing a little leaf clearing from the front patio after which I retired indoors to do more work on my journal.
This afternoon I made a cheese quiche and some cheese straws using up some frozen short crust pastry. I did check out a proper recipe for a cheese quiche but it was much the same as I would do anyway. I used up the left over pastry to make the cheese straws making up the recipe myself. I also finally completed my crochet project but can't post any photos for a couple of weeks.


HappyK said...

Some how I missed the last few days of your blog. Nice to get caught up. : )

Harriet said...

I am looking forward to your crochet project. Your photos are great.