Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 11 January 2017


A sunny, cold morning and very windy. As usual the wind was roaring through the trees. Something is going to happen tomorrow through to Friday but the forecasters are not sure if it will be heavy rain or snow and they're not yet saying exactly where all this wild weather will be happening. Possibly here but more likely to be to the south-east and north of the country. My teaching week is finished so I don't have to leave the valley until Monday. 
At school the teaching assistant who works with me had to be out for most of the afternoon so I went into super multi-tasking mode. I've made a bit of a game of all the children listening out for any noise from each group as they go to the cloakroom to get their coats so they try really hard to 'creep out like little mice' and they do this really well. (The Head teacher's office is opposite the classroom door and understandably she's not best pleased if the children are making a row in the corridor.) I had a group of 3 children scheduled to read in a guided session after play but I also needed to read a story to the rest of the class at the same time. As a compromise I did the guided reading at a table in the playground during playtime. Not ideal but better than nothing. We had our staff meeting after school. This was mainly filling in the diary dates for this half of the term or rather writing down things then crossing them out because they clashed with other events. We've just got a new on-line calendar (along with new email addresses) so everything should appear on that but there's nothing like good old pen and paper.
As I drove home the moon was hanging dramatically in the sky so I tried to take some photos. Naturally the automatic exposure compensated for the almost black sky and it was too cold to fiddle around with the manual settings. Time to give myself a tutorial on using the manual settings when I can actually see what I am doing.

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