Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

The Good Weather Continues.

The good weather is still with us and for quite a lot of the day it actually felt warm. I've been doing some more pressure washing round the scree garden and it seemed a lot easier this year. Whether there's less muck on the slabs, not having to stop frequently or just the sun on my back but the clean slabs appeared as if by magic. However I do know that the paving next to the building and the stone wall will be less satisfying as even that little bit of shelter allows for a lot more algae to build up.
In between my work sessions I relaxed on the sun lounger by the conservatory. Even there I kept getting wafts of the scent of the yellow azaleas by the drive which are now covered in flowers. When I was doing my exercises later in the afternoon the smell of wood smoke drifted in through the bedroom windows. That always takes me back to scout camp where a wood fire burned all day under a great cauldron of water to provide us with hot water for the kitchen. (There were proper showers across the road with their own supply of hot water.) 
With all this sun everything is growing at a rate of knots. This afternoon I clipped the grass on the steps leading up the bank as I wouldn't like anyone to miss their footing and take a tumble. 

1 comment:

Emily Shorette said...

If you have a minute, I’d really appreciate it if you took a look at Emily’s Virtual Rocket. This is a serious newsblog which has been taken from e-newspapers and e-magazines from around the world, with an emphasis on transgender issues. Also, with his election, I look for articles which critique Donald Trump.

I hope you enjoy this. Please paste the following:


If you like it, please consider putting it among your favorite blogs. I would greatly appreciate it.

