Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 23 October 2024

One Skip, Two Skips.

It was a bit grey and damp this morning but brightened up later on.
I was up well before daybreak and even though I have a whole list of things to do before I can relax it was still dark by the time I went to sit outside. I say dark but of course the two street lights that didn't go off until 7.30 kept the terrace and garden well lit. I still had a very relaxing time taking in the sights and sounds around me as the world woke up. Over to the east the first dawn light was creeping over an ominous looking cloud bank. Above, the stars shone for a short time until they were hidden by hazy clouds and far ahead a twinkling line of lights (Tywyn's street lights) marked the boundary between land and sea where the bay curves westwards. A single light, possibly a fishing boat shone out at sea and much further west once in a while I caught sight of the lighthouse on the Llyn. Nearer to home I was puzzled by a line of six lights either at the end of the village or at Ynyslas. Having taken and enlarged a photo in the daylight I can see that they are street lights down at Ynyslas but the odd angle makes it difficult to place them. There was also a single light on the beach here, I'm guessing that was someone out beach fishing. All this was to the gentle murmuring of the waves, the occasional melodic chiming from the windchimes and a chirrup or two from the robin and wren that live in the garden. Then came wake up calls from blackbirds in the gardens around, a group of noisy rooks and much later the sounds of the seagulls heading off as usual.
Work has continued outside. The builders still hadn't arrived when a lorry turned up with the sand. Knowing that a skip was also due I wasn't too sure where the sand should go but luckily the boss builder turned up and arranged things to his satisfaction. Eventually the builder's men turned up and cleared all the old render into first one and then a second skip. Everything is now ready to start putting the render on the wall which I presume will be happening tomorrow.

My back was feeling better after last night's Pilates so I went down to the zoo and spent over three hours weeding the badly overgrown woodchip in the large play area. Still at least two more weeks work to clear it all but it looks a lot better now. There were quite a few families around, half-term dates vary around the country so it might already be half-term for some.
All I've done at home is pack the truffles ready for posting tomorrow. Another hour and I'll be off to choir. 

1 comment:

HappyK said...

I'm out early every morning watching a new day begin. :)