Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 25 October 2024


We've had both sun and cloud and a little bit of rain first thing but with the wind coming from the south it has felt extremely warm.  
I rode Cadno for the lesson this morning. There were seven of us but we still got to do a lot of canter work which was fun. As we warmed up the horses were quite sluggish due to the heat and the fact that they had been eating hay all night. We were being encouraged to get them more energised so I gave my boot a tap with the very short crop I carry when I ride Cadno. Oh my, the sound woke him up and he threw in a buck, a sizeable one according to someone who was riding behind me at the time. Luckily I haven't lost the ability to remain on a horse during such shenanigans and Cadno got a good telling off from me. From that point everything went well, he stayed nicely on the bit and not only cantered whenever I asked but didn't fall back into trot before I asked him to which is what often happens with him.
After the lesson off I went to do the usual shopping. Then with some excitement I went to Charlie's to buy the large grey sphere for the shingle garden. I took one to the checkout then went back to find a label with a barcode as mine didn't have one. But then the price came up as £59.95! We examined the price tag which to both myself and the checkout lady looked to say £39.95 but on closer inspection the faint 3 turned out to be a five. The first price had been an extravagance that I'd had to think about for a while but no way was I going to pay £60. I shall have to be content with the stones I already have.

In town I collected another sphere from Argos, this time a Habitat table lamp. I had a look at it in Argos and it looked like a dark mirrored globe but having put in a bulb and switched it on I'm not sure if you can call it a table lamp as there seems to be very little ambient light. It looks nice but I think it looks more like a decoration than a lamp. I may return it as we had wanted something to light the table when we eat rather than the overhead light. And yes, it too was expensive. (It looks better now it's darker but I'm not sure if it's what we need.)
Not expensive at all were these two decorations. 50p each in a charity shop. I also bought a couple of sparkly tops in another charity shop one or both of which will make fun tops for disco aerobics. They were only £4 each which I see as a donation to a worthwhile charity. Another really good buy was a 4kg kettlebell from the Red Cross shop for £5. Just right for our monthly kettlebell / Pilates session. And it's purple.

We've just been down to see an exhibition about the history of Borth in the Community Hall. The photo above dates from some time in the 1800s. There were some interesting photos and the exhibition was well set up though a little sparse. I expect the film will have a lot more content. This link goes to the exhibition page which has a few photos and a YouTube video of drone footage flying over Borth but not the film being shown at the exhibition.

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