Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 1 October 2024


In the morning it wasn't clear if we were going to have sun or rain but then out came the sun and we've had quite a nice day.
I spent a happy four hours down at the zoo. I planted mind-your-own-business to cover the muddy soil now visible after I cut back a large hollyhock, some knautia seedlings in a flower bed by the entrance and a pheasant grass in an empty planter. Then I set to work to clear the gravel patch by the wolf-dogs. It's roughly 8ft x 50ft with just three metal planters on it. I put pheasant grass in one and lemon balm in the others last year and they have done well. I like clearing the gravel but as I worked a thought snuck into my head - wouldn't this make a lovely gravel garden? When the grasses I'm growing from seed are a suitable size I'll see if the owners would like me to pretty that area up. Quite a few of the plants that do well at home are toxic to one animal or another; marjoram, aquilegias, pinks, crocosmia and feverfew but I've taken more cuttings of artemisia and santolina as I think they would do well in the gravel alongside ornamental grasses.
Off in a minute to Pilates, tonight for a change we will be using either a kettlebell or a dumbbell which will be interesting. 
The recent sunny weather seems to have brought on an extra flowering in the front garden, including the lamium being visited by a hungry bumble bee.

The 7ft tall Verbena Bonariensis.

1 comment:

HappyK said...

Like your little dragon. :)