Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday, 11 November 2011


It stayed dry enough this morning for me to get some garden work done. Then it started raining as I drove into work and worsened throughout the day. I think we could now say that it now qualifies as 'Heavy Rain', and the conditions have once again caused the broadband to slow down to a crawl.

Friday afternoons used to be a relaxing time in school with the children having Golden Time which would give me time to hear readers or sit with children who were finishing off a task. Not so today. We have been trying out having parents coming in on a Friday afternoon to take part in activities with the children. Fine in theory but today, although only 3 parents had signed up to come into the Year One class, 9 turned up. That's 11 adults in a classroom with 30 excited children. I felt exhausted by the end of the afternoon. I had started the afternoon with a session in the hall teaching the children some very basic dance steps for our line dance. After school the teaching student who is working with that class, and I worked out a simple line dance to go with the music from the Christmas production. Even as I type I'm thinking of a change so that we get the back row changing to the front because you need to consider that all the parents will want to see their child clearly. I better start skipping around the sitting room again.

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