Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Busy Day.

Thank you to those who posted kind comments about poor old Smudge. I know that in the scale of things losing a pet, even a much loved pet, does not compare in any way to the sorrow over the illness or loss of a family member or friend but it can still be upsetting. As we worked in the dark, digging a hole in the ground, I thought of the many people who would be digging such a hole for a truly sad reason.How fortunate I am to be living such a placid life in a safe environment where the loss of a pet is a reason to mourn.

(Scroll down to see the photos I was going to post yesterday.)

1 comment:

lea said...

You're right, there are people suffering from what would probably be called "bigger" things, but we take these creatures into our lives; here's what I posted on a friends' page today, "We could avoid the heartache of losing a pet by not having one, but then we would deny ourselves the unquestioning love and special times that they give us". She lost a dear old dog today.