Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday, 29 March 2014


The southerly winds have brought us some welcome warm weather. I woke early this morning, decided it would be mean to wail plaintively for a cup of tea so went back to sleep for a couple of hours by which time Peter was awake and making tea. My cold isn't getting any worse but it isn't getting any better so that first cup of tea is very welcome. 
Once I was up and had done my morning jobs I went back to work on that tree. It is so stubborn but so am I. Using the bow saw had become very awkward so I went into beaver mode instead. It was satisfying to whack chips out of the wood using a wood chisel and mallet. But still it wouldn't fall. I was sure that I had cut and chopped my way through the whole trunk. It was only then that I looked up carefully and saw not that the tree was leaning on the next trunk but that they had grown together where a branch had grown across. Oh joy! Now I have to saw away up on my tip toes which is kind of exhausting. I reckon it will take the whole of Monday to do that little job. To cheer myself up I did some weeding in a flower bed and as it is time to start the year's mowing I made a start on hand weeding the worst offenders (dandelions, thistles and plantain) out of the lawns. That's a job I kept putting off all last year and promised myself I would do before the fist mow of the year.

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