Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Poor Pheasants.

There's still plenty of colour in the garden. A few flowers like the roses, left over from the summer and all the autumnal shades as plants close down for the winter. There's even a bright splash of yellow from the winter flowering jasmine which should brighten up the garden through the dismal winter months. I decided that today was finally time to say good-bye to the hanging baskets. All the recent wind and rain had left them looking very scruffy. So down they came and up went the windchimes instead. Once I had done that bit of gardening I carried on, first with some weeding down in the bog garden and then I took the bow saw and trimmed back some of the overhanging trees by the stream. My last job was to cross the stream behind the house and tidy up the cables I took down the other day. The green tv cable runs up into the hedge so I just coiled it up and tucked it down out of sight while I was able to take down the rope completely.
The day had started very wet and in a way I wish it would have carried on being horrible. That's because I could hear guns firing at those silly pheasants up in the top field. I've expressed my views enough times not to have to say more. 
A lot of my afternoon was spent in the kitchen working on my painted wedding card. It's getting there now that nearly all the colour is on. I couldn't get a deep black with the watercolours so I've used black poster paint instead. Possibly another day should see it done.  In between painting and waiting for each colour to dry I've been doing more tidying in the sitting room as after talking to friends at work we've decided to go with the carpet place I had a quote from. They will move the furniture but it will be a good opportunity for me to see what else can be re-homed. 

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