Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 16 June 2016

A Frustrating Day.

It stayed dry all day until I drove home thus thwarting my plans to cut the grass. It's been one of those days. This morning I thought I would quickly fix part of a kitchen cupboard trim before I settled to eat my breakfast. 29 holes later, or so it seemed I had changed the position of the small metal brackets holding the trim to the cupboard and it looks better. Then, as we have people coming to view tomorrow, I attempted to replace a shelf that had been taken out to make it easier to work on the rayburn. It's a tad annoying to open the screwdriver case to find the one screwdriver you need is MISSING ! 
At school I thought I'd better introduce some of the activities that the children will be doing for Sports Day. One was to roll/dribble a football through some cones, so far so good - they got that. But there was a new variation of half the children sitting at either end of the cones so that once they had gone through the cones they passed the ball to the person facing them and sat at the back of that line. Eventually I thought they knew what they were doing so I pulled out small groups of children to try running over the hurdles on the no-mow. These are little child sized bars but somehow there are only 2 of the smallest ones in the PE cupboard so I had to use 2 of the bigger ones. In the meantime some of the the football children were getting into a muddle and I couldn't get onto the field because another group of children (about 8 with 2 adults compared to my 27) were there so I still need to sort out the hares and tortoises. Next week I'll have the teaching assistant come out with me so we can get that done.  
After work I had to go across the bridge for some shopping and petrol and as previously mentioned ran into localised sharp showers on the way home. It was really strange because one moment the road was dry and then there would be a stretch of wet road which stopped just as suddenly. The first time I was even looking at the building site wondering if a water main had burst but no, it was the result of a sudden downpour. I was hoping against hope that the rain might have missed our place so that I could cut the grass this evening but as I turned into our drive I ran into a wall of rain. The sun's out again now but I'm finished for the day.
Speedy enticing me to tickle his tummy.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Some days are like that. Hope the house viewing goes well tomorrow.