Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 29 June 2023


Very windy today with plenty of sun.
Now that our Zoom classes have ended I was able to cycle down to the Community gardens for Cake and Cultivate. That was where I suffered the ouch. As I cycled the last few feet to the gate something landed on my wrist and stung me. It took a moment before I could stop the bike and brush off the wasp by which time it had well and truly got me. Apparently a wasps' nest had just been disturbed in the gardens which was why the wasp was aggressive. I rubbed my wrist with a dock leaf, you never know, and waved it around in a bid for sympathy from everyone which helped. Then I carried on complaining and worked with a couple of others shifting pebbles from dumpy bags to one of the paths. Eventually the pain subsided only to resume later on. (Once home I took an anti-histamine and rubbed on some sting relief ointment.) I began moving the stones using a spade but found it was easier on my back to slide the stones into my barrow with my gloved hands. We got one path topped up before the rest of the crowd turned up for lemon & coconut cake and chat. It was good to talk with that group of people again. I've spoken to some of them around the village but it is nice to have a bit more of a relaxed time.
I cycled home and I made it all the way up the steep slope beside our house. Much easier now that the brakes are not catching on the wheel. After a break I thought I would be able to start cementing down the blocks for the new raised bed. But first there was the matter of one wobbly paving slab. The slabs had been laid on top of a thin layer of sand on top of the original slabs. I know how to level the sand when it's a large area but it's a different matter when it's only one slab. I levelled and replaced the heavy slab so many times and still it wobbled. In the end I got a small spirit level carefully checking in every direction and on the second attempt the slab stayed solid. Next I had to dig out some concrete from the areas I've left clear for drainage. It was only then I could begin placing the blocks on a dry run to see if they fit. And that is as far as I got today. I have enough blocks to place them 3 high but I think that is too high once you factor in the mortar and the coping stones so I'll stick at 2 blocks high. That leaves me with 8 blocks left over. Will have to see what I can do with those.
It was still sunny as I sat out on the terrace trying to work out where to move one hydrangea and make some sort of plan for the rest of the garden. I'm loving the way the long grasses look in my 'meadow' but I don't think I shall be keeping the grass or at least not all of it.


1 comment:

HappyK said...

Oh sorry to hear about your wasp sting!! Ouch indeed!!
The sun was out today but very much filtered because of the wild fires in Canada.