Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday, 16 November 2024

Knowing When To Stop.

We had a brighter start to the morning which degenerated to a cold, grey, windy day.
As usual Saturday has been a day of more aching due to the previous days' exertions but with all the research showing that "engaging in regular physical activity is one of the most effective and accessible ways to reduced physical and cognitive decline and lower the risk of premature death" I shall soldier on.  And I enjoy all my activities too.  
My jobs for today, because I can't bear not to have 'achieved' something each day, were first to write up all my Christmas cards some of which will include the usual yearly missive. I don't know about other people but I really enjoy getting these letters from friends and family especially those whom I'm don't get to meet in person. And yes I keep all those letters to re-read.
The other job, which was the one I had to stop was making a shopping bag from an old umbrella. That idea came from a FB reel and as I had an old golf umbrella waiting to go to the dump and my current batch of reusable shopping bags are getting tatty I thought it would be a good idea. Repurposing to save the planet. Of course I took no measurements but having taken off the nylon fabric from the spokes and washed it I had a go. Optimistically I thought this would be something I could finish off in one session but having cut the fabric and sewn along the bottom, with a French seam too, stitching on webbing to make the handles proved more of a challenge. It isn't especially thick webbing but something messed up the thread tension on the sewing machine. At that point I realised it might take a lot more sorting out, called a halt and put the heavy sewing machine away for the day.  I'm sure there will be plenty more wet days when I need to find indoor jobs to do.

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